Song Details:- Presenting you “Tommy Lee’s Dick Pic Lyrics” written by Tommy Lee. The name of this song is D^^k sung by Mama Feet.

Tommy Lee’s Dick Pic Lyrics

If you are telling jokes tonight
It seems you’re kinda cool
But you are just an absent guy
I mean, you’re not that cool

Your schedule is like a tetris game.
A challenge everyday.
Will I be alive? Will I be alive?

When you change it! Ch-ch-change it!
I‘ve been looking forward to this day since ever

Too many. How many times
Have we changed our plans waiting for you?
Can you cooperate?
I’m wondering if I still be alive

When you change it! Ch-ch-change it!
“I’m free next Saturday or any Monday!”

If you are telling jokes tonight
It seems you’re kinda cool
But you are just an absent guy
I mean, you’re not that cool

When did you show up here?
I think I was a little kid

When you change it!

Music Video


This is the end of Tommy Lee’s Dick Pic Lyrics.

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